Social & Charitable Organisations

This page lists the social and charitable organisations which meet in Woodhall Spa. Meeting times (where known) are shown on the calendar at the base of the page. If you would like your club activities mentioned then please use the Contact form in the right hand margin to provide the webmaster with a written description (max 100 words) supported by photographs where possible.


Coningsby, Tattershall & District History Society


New Methodist Church
Silver Street

The Society was established back in 1951, so this is our Diamond Anniversary year! Currently we have almost 40 members, so there is plenty of room for more.

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm, from September to May, at the New Methodist Church in Silver Street, Coningsby and we also have two outings, in June and July. In December we hold our Christmas party and our annual dinner is in March. Our year commences with our AGM in September.

We are a friendly, informal group and our aim is to learn more about matters of – mostly, but not exclusively – local historical interest in a relaxed and social setting. To this end we have speakers on a wide range of subject.

New members are most welcome and we hope the current annual subscription of £6 will not break the bank. Should anyone wish to come along and sample what we are about, they are very welcome to visit, listen to our speaker for the evening and afterwards enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits and take the opportunity to chat with people, all for £1.50. The evening usually winds up at around at 9.30pm.

Anyone interested in joining us, or requiring any further information, should telephone the Secretary, Mike Fidell, on 01526 354954 or, of course, simply come along on the evening (please bear in mind that our annual dinner is scheduled for 9th March).

We look forward to seeing you and assure you of a warm welcome.

John Stevens


Horncastle Bridge Club

The Horncastle Bridge Club runs Duplicate Bridge sessions at the Golf Hotel, Woodhall Spa, on Wednesday evenings from 7pm. Bridge players who are seeking a friendly club to join are welcome to attend our club and play for free for a couple of evenings to gauge their level of interest.

Partnerships are preferable, but single players are also welcome and if necessary we will arrange a partner for you.

If you are a social bridge player, why not come along on a Wednesday evening, you may find you also enjoy playing club bridge in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Visitors are also welcome to attend and play as guests, but prior notification of visits would be appreciated

For more information call Doug Childs on 01526 353160


MG Car ClubMG Car Club of Lincolnshire

The MG Car Club Lincolnshire Centre covers the whole of the county of Lincolnshire plus North and West Norfolk, and North Cambridgeshire. Our members own MGs ranging from the 1930s through to the present day! All are welcome to come along and meet us but to enter some of our events, including our Social Drives, membership of the club is required.

Our regular "Natter Night" at the Abbey Lodge is held on the Second Monday every month. In the Summer, there is usually a Social Drive leaving at 7.30 and 8.00 p.m.; in the Winter, there are Quiz Nights, Guest Speakers, Table Top Rallies, etc. In December, we have a meal in the Restaurant.

For more information on the Club, please log onto or email:

Updated 3 Jan 21


Rotary Club of Woodhall Spa - "Service above Self"

Venue: The Village Limits
Stixwould Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6UJ

Meet 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month (except Bank Holidays) at 6.30 for 7.00pm.For details contact:


President : Glyn Olive

Secretary: Peter Bennett

Tel: 07970 412491


About Rotary and our club

Rotary is the ultimate service club with 35,000 clubs and 1.2 million members worldwide. In Great Britain there are 1700 clubs with 40,000 Rotarians.

Founded in 1988 and twinned with the Rotary Club of Grandvilliers in Northern France, our club is part of District 1070 comprising around 80 clubs in the East Midlands. The Woodhall club draws members from Tattershall, Coningsby and surrounding villages as well as Woodhall Spa itself and currently has around 40 members.

Regular meetings

At our regular Monday meetings we enjoy a good meal in the comfortable surroundings of The Dower House Hotel. We have a mixture of visiting speakers and presentations, business sessions, social events and outside visits. There is no requirement to attend every meeting and most Rotarians fit their Rotary activities around their personal, business and family lives. Nevertheless, being involved in the Club’s activities is important – that’s how we make a difference and build friendships.

Our major projects include organising the annual Woodhall Spa Christmas Fayre as well as an annual Charity Golf Day attracting players from all over the country. These help us to fund our charitable activities.

Wapentake Magazine

This community magazine carries a monthly report of our activities. Take a look and if you’re interested in joining us or just finding out a bit more about what we do, visit our website: or get in touch with any Rotarian.

Updated 6 Jul 24


Royal British Legion (Woodhall Spa & District Branch)

Venue: Awaiting update



Branch website:

Meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.

For further details contact:



Checked 2 Oct 21


Spa Afternoon Women's Institute

Today's Women Working for Tomorrow's World


Our Lady & St Peter's Church Hall
15 Cromwell Ave
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6TH

Contact : 07989 406313

Meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2pm. New members are welcome.

Updated 21 Dec 23


The Welcome Club in Woodhall Spa

This independent group, for all ages, meets on alternate Fridays between 10am and noon at The Community Centre, Alexandra Road. The objective is to provide local residents with a relaxed environment where they can have a coffee, swap stories and, perhaps, make new friends.

Further information and dates are available from:

Telephone                                  Email

Lynne Fisher                  01526 351329                    

Anne Knight                   01526 354842                   


Woodhall - Walk, Talk and Socialise Group

Join us on Saturday afternoons for a friendly stroll around Woodhall Spa, enjoying gentle exercise in good company.

We’re a jolly bunch of all-sorts, and welcome new people whether single or partnered.

Meet at 2.00p.m. every 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month near the big tree at the Kinema-in-the Woods car-park.

After the walk; usually around 4.00p.m. (...dependent on weather etc), we generally take refreshments in whichever of Woodhall’s fine hostelries takes our fancy.

Stout, comfy shoes etc. are advisable.

Informal walks: - No pressures, or obligations - pure sociability!

Why not join us?



Woodhall Spa Age Concern Luncheon Club


Abbey Lodge Inn, Tattershall Road., every Tuesday. 11.00am - 1.30pm

We have the disabled minibus and can collect diners, and we organise trips out throughout the year.

Contact Dave Rowland, chairman 01526 353276 or Sue Stennett, secretary, 01526 352703.

Checked 8 Sep 17


Woodhall Spa Monday Bridge Club


The Golf Hotel
The Broadway
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6SG

The club meets on Mondays at 7.00pm and is actively seeking new members

Chairman: George Nicoll

Tel: 01526 351446

Secretary: David Hill

Tel: 01526 353070

Website: Logo


Updated 26 Dec 20



Conservative Club

Woodhall Spa Conservative Club

1 Spa Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6QN

Tel: (01526) 352569

Meeting place for the Woodhall Spa branch of the Royal British Legion

The Conservative Club of Woodhall Spa is a snooker and social club in the heart of the village. It is managed by an elected committee and is non profit making. Although affiliated, the Conservative Club is non political in that it aims to bring together people that wish to socialise in a pleasant environment. It has three snooker tables, an active dominoes team, quiz nights and bingo nights. There are also monthly poker nights, live entertainment nights and throughout the year there are various other activities. The Club also holds fund raising events to support charities that benefit local people.

A large, very comfortable seating area, a games room and television room provide areas to suit all kinds of socialising.

It is a members club, however there are reduced rates for summer visitors and you are welcome to come and have a drink, and see what a pleasant environment it is. You can be signed in by a member for £1.00. The steward and stewardess will make you feel welcome and give you the paperwork if you decide to join us.

The club is close to the Broadway, directly opposite the Post Office. An events list is on the board outside.

Website: Logo


Updated 3 Jan 21


Woodhall Spa & District Flower ClubWoodhall Spa & District Flower Club


The Petwood Hotel
Stixwould Road
LN10 6QG

Established in 1959 and affiliated to NAFAS ( the National Association of Flower Arranger Societies)
Charity No. 1101348 our aim is to educate and raise funds for local and national charities.

We currently have 230 members and meet every third Monday of the month at 7.30pm ( except January and February).

The evening is a fun event with time to chat and catch up as well as meeting new people. Refreshments are available as well as a fantastic sales table with all the things you cannot live without!

Colour and interest follows with our fantastic and experienced demonstrators, who travel from all over the country. There are usually between 5 and 7 arrangements completed with useful tips and advice along the way. The arrangements are then raffled off at the end of the evening..

If you would like to join our club, please contact me as we currently have spaces for new members.

Shirley M. DeeFacebook LogoClub Secretary
Woodhall Spa & District Flower club

01526 378186


Trefoil GuildWoodhall Spa and Coningsby Trefoil Guild

Woodhall Spa and Coningsby Trefoil Guild is a thriving club and you do not have to be an ex-guider to join. Meeting every third Thursday in the month, and usually after business we have some sort of activity, either slides, talks or learning a new craft. We also visit the theatre and have coffee mornings to raise funds, and we have an annual dinner.

Chairwoman: (01507) 523270

Secretary: (01526) 352431

Trefoil Guild Website:

Checked 26 Dec 20


Woodhall Spa and District Gardeners Association


St Peters Church Hall
The Broadway
Woodhall Spa

The earliest record of the Association is February 1949 when we believe the Woodhall Spa Horticultural Society was formed.  The Association continued until 25th September 1961 when they amalgamated with the Flower Show, and the Woodhall Spa & District Gardeners' Association was formed.

The annual subscription at that time was three shillings and sixpence and today stands at just £5.00 (not bad considering inflation since 1961 is just under 2000%!!)

In 1962, the annual show was held in a marquee in Jubilee Park and in 1963 they started having regular lectures.  The meeting place for these was the Women's Conservative Club on The Broadway.  Sadly, the building burnt down and is now the site where McColl's Newspaper shop stands.

During this time the Club raised revenue by holding coffee mornings, jumble sales and bingo.

Outings were organised, but these tended to be short local affairs.

In 1988, the Club became affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society.

In 1990, the Club moved its meetings into St Peters Church Hall and this is where we still meet today.

The Club is thriving and still serving Woodhall Spa Gardeners.  However, we now have members from several other local towns and villages.



Updated 26 Dec 20


Ladies Probus Club of Woodhall Spa

Luncheon Meetings every third Wednesday in the month, followed by a speaker. Formed in 1986 in order to promote friendship and social contact amongst retired business and business and professional ladies or widows/wives of men who have retired from a profession or business. The Club meets on a regular basis and application for membership is through an existing member and ultimately by invitation of the Committee.

Facebook LogoVenue:

Abbey Lodge Inn
Tattershall Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6UQ

Tel: 01526 354915


Updated 26 Dec 20


The Probus Club of Woodhall Spa and District

We are a gentlemen's club which meets for lunch with a speaker on the last Wednesday of the month at the Abbey Lodge, Woodhall Spa, and we look forward to welcoming new members in 2024.

'PROBUS' is an abbreviation of the words PROfessional and BUSiness; however, the Club is not restricted to these two groups and attracts members from a varied background. Probus provides an opportunity to meet with like-minded people who appreciate similar interests, and who enjoy the camaraderie that belonging to this organisation brings. The Club promotes friendship, while remaining very relaxed, non-political and non-sectarian.

Please contact the Secretary on 01526 353715 or by email (

Probus website:

Updated 18 Dec 23


Woodhall Spa Lions Club

Woodhall Spa Lions Club

Woodhall Spa Lions Club

Woodhall Spa Lions was Chartered in May 2002 and meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8pm at The Abbey Lodge. We are always looking for new members of both sexes, Lions have a wonderful social life and enjoy loads of fun and fellowship. It's a great way to make new friends and to help those in the community who are less fortunate.

The more members we have, the better we are able to serve the wider world where there are many deserving causes for service projects.

Facebook LogoWebsite:


The Abbey Lodge,
Woodhall Spa


Updated 26 Dec 20


Woodhall Spa & District Men's Probus Club

Woodhall Spa & District Men's Probus Club

Abbey Lodge Inn
Tattershall Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6UQ

We meet for lunch with a speaker on the last Wednesday of the month at 12:15 p.m. for 1:00 p.m., and look forward to welcoming new members.

‘PROBUS’ is an abbreviation of the words PROfessionl and BUSiness; however, the Club is not restricted to these two groups and attracts members from a varied background. Probus provides an opportunity to meet with like-minded people who appreciate similar interests, and who enjoy the camaraderie that belonging to this organisation brings. The Club promotes friendship and fellowship, while remaining very relaxed, non-political and non-sectarian.

Please contact the Secretary on 01526 351312 or by email (

Andy Lister
17 Sylvan Avenue
01526 351312


Updated 26 Dec 20


1187044_752730821415597_258678495175604546_nWoodhall Spa & Horncastle Round Table

Round Table is a local, regional, national and international organisation. Great fun for ages 18 - 45.
Meeting with friends and networking.
Personal Development
Experience new activities.
It's not difficult or expensive to join, although we do expect those who join to actively participate. We meet twice a month, for organised activities and a meal.


Shaun Whiting - 01526 388 575

Facebook LogoVice Chairman & Membership

Peter Lee - 07500945998

Updated 26 Dec 20



Woodhall Spa Ladies Networking

Woodhall needs a "self employed ladies - and we kick ass" group, for all us ladies who are self employed. Maybe share some tips, meet up for a drink - any excuse for a drink - and just generally have a laugh. Not just for Woodhall, but surrounding areas (with in a 10 mile radius of Woodhall Spa) so feel free to invite some ladies you know who are self employed.

Facebook Logo


Added 2 Jan 21


Woodhall Spa Women's Institute


Coronation Hall
Spa road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6PZ

A modern voice for women. Join us at the Women's Institute. We meet at 7.45pm every 2nd Monday of each month at St Peter's Church Hall. New members and visitors are always welcome.

Keep an eye on the Events Diary for booked speakers:

Do come along and enjoy an interesting evening.


Updated 30 Apr 22


U3AWoodhall Spa U3A

A University of the Third Age (U3A) held its inaugural Woodhall Spa meeting on Friday 27 November. 38 interested people signed up for Introductory membership (this will last until 31 March 2010 and costs £10). Full membership will be offered from 1 April 2010 for an annual fee of £20. This covers attendance at all monthly meetings, receipt of U3A News - the quarterly UK magazine - and attendance at as many group meetings as an individual wishes.

Monthly meetings deal first with general U3A business, followed by a tea/coffee break and a speaker. They are open to all members and visitors and will take place in the Coronation Hall between 2 and 4 pm on the first Thursday of each month from January 2010. Speakers have currently been arranged for January (John Richards on the Life and works of Edith Piaf), February (Eve Roach on First Contact) and March (Judy Theobald from Radio Lincolnshire).

Why join Woodhall Spa U3A?

You’ll meet active and enthusiastic people with a creative and positive approach to their leisure time. You’ll be able to take part in a range of activities once various groups have been set up - ten were set up at the Inaugural meeting.

Groups are formed in response to members’ suggestions. If you have an interest and would like to share this with others, you can propose a group and see who is interested in joining. U3A subject groups are self-organising and, unless otherwise stated, meet on a regular basis in members’ own homes. They each have a leader who may or may not be an expert in the subject to be studied but who is willing to do some of the organisation. Meetings can take place weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the subject and the members’ preferences with normal breaks for Christmas and holidays.

You can join as many or as few groups as you wish. The groups aim to provide an opportunity for people to increase their knowledge in a relaxed and friendly way. There are no tests and no exams!

How to join Woodhall Spa U3A

Simply contact the membership Secretary by email for details and an application form.


Checked  25 Dec 20


Witham & District Ladies Probus Club

We meet for lunch and a speaker at 12-12.30pm on the last Tuesday of every month.

We would be delighted to see any new potential members. For more information please call Mrs Jackie Mills on 01526 352271


Abbey Lodge
Tattershall Road
Woodhall Spa

 Updated 8 Sep 17


Woodhall Spa Garden Club

Woodhall Spa Garden Club

Woodhall Spa Garden Club

Lively, energetic gardening club with over 100 members.

Meet third Friday of the month at St. Peter's Hall (opp. Golf Hotel) Woodhall Spa.



Facebook Logo





Updated 26 Dec 20


Woodhall Spa Parent & Toddler Group

St Peter's Church Hall
Woodhall Spa

Come along to our large friendly toddler group every Wednesday in term time 9.30 -11am. £1.50 per child of £2 for two or more, come for a play, sing song and a nice cuppa and a chat. All ages welcome from baby to pre-schoolers. Juice and biscuits included!

For more information call Helen on 07821 838678 or email 

Added 16 Sep 17