Art & Craft Clubs
This page provides details of 'Art and Craft' clubs, societies and activities in the village of Woodhall Spa. If you would like your club and its activities to be featured on this website then please provide the site administrator with a written description (max 100 words) supported by photographs where possible.

The Woodhall Spa Community Band
Football Club
LN10 6RA
The Woodhall Spa Community Band invites musicians of all abilities to come together through a shared passion.
Formed in February 2022, we currently rehearse every Monday (Bank holidays and summer excluded).
Doors open at 18:30 and the rehearsal run from 19:00 through to 20:30
We are a concert band so our instrumentation is based loosely around the following
- Flute/picc
- Oboe
- Clarinets (inc bass)
- Bassoon
- Saxophones (sop, alto, tenor, baritone)
- Horns
- Trumpet/Cornet
- Euphonium/baritone
- Trombones (inc bass)
- Tuba
- Percussion (kit, auxilliary, tuned)
Updated 6 Jan 25
Woodhall Spa & District Organ Society
'Music For Woodhall'
Coronation Hall
Spa Road
Woodhall Spa
Chairman: P.R.Groves
Telephone: 01526 353225
The Society holds monthly concerts featuring some of the best UK and International Electronic Organists. The music covers the full spectrum from classical through popular music, shows, ballads etc. to jazz - a truly balanced musical evening. The Society has Colour TV cameras allowing the audience to see the keyboard and foot pedals on a large projection screen. The concerts are held on the first Friday of each month at Coronation Hall, Spa Road, Woodhall Spa and begin at 7.30 pm.
Admission is £7.00 for visitors or £5.00 for members, who also pay an annual membership fee of £7.00. Refreshments are provided in the interval for 50p. Why not give us a try - we can guarantee as great evening's entertainment. Full details of the programme of concerts and artists is available on the Society's website.
Checked 2 Jan 25
The Spa Singers
Formed in October, 2011, The Spa Singers meet to enjoy singing a wide variety of songs. Keynotes are friendship, supporting each other and having fun. The popular group has quickly earned an enviable reputation for high quality, lively concerts held in St Peter's Church, The Broadway, at which audiences are encouraged to join in.
The Spa Singers meet at the Coronation Hall, Spa Road, on Wednesdays, from 7pm to 9pm, during Spring, Summer and Autumn terms. The group accepts singers of all abilities without audition but places are at a premium and there is often a waiting list . Membership is by invitation and applying to join does not guarantee acceptance.
To learn more about The Spa Singers please e-mail: or call Jan on 01526 860373.
Checked 2 Jan 25
Woodhall Spa Dance Club
Meets at St Peter's Hall or Coronation Hall
Popular sequence dancing lessons at 4pm on Tuesdays for an hour!
£2.50 including tea and biscuits
For further information contact Roy or Val on 01526 388675
There are also a few private lesson sessions sometimes available - preceding the class.