00. Heritage Committee

The Woodhall Spa Heritage Committee was set up in November 2005. It is an advisory body to the Parish Council established to address the heritage aims identified in the Woodhall Spa Parish Plan (2005).

Aims defined in PlanActions suggested by Plan
To save the Spa Baths and have them preserved as a heritage siteSeek the co-operation of the owner to restore the site for the benefit of the community. Promote its potential as a health / beauty spa with retail outlets (coffee shop.)
Encourage residents and visitors to appreciate Woodhall Spa’s heritageLayout heritage trail routes and instigate production of leaflets available to local outlets.
"Organise special Woodhall Spa heritage weekend.
"Instigate information boards at heritage sites.
"Encourage schools to undertake local heritage projects.
"Instigate a local heritage newsletter in conjunction with the Cottage Museum.
Preservation / Conservation of local heritageInstigate a heritage conservation register of artefacts to be consulted by PC or organisations concerned with alterations or planning.
"Instigate a register of gravestones in St. Andrew’s cemetery.
"Promote the heritage of Kirkstead and surrounding areas.

Spa Baths - circa 1915

Spa Baths - circa 1915

Heritage Committee published leaflets

Heritage Committee published leaflets

New members with an interest in conserving the heritage of Woodhall Spa are always welcome. If you are interested please contact the secretary Sue Stennett via the contact form in right hand margin.

Heritage Trail locations

Heritage Trail

The trail can be started at any location, but we suggest you also visit the Cottage Museum to see the photographs taken by John Wield during the heyday of the Spa and items associated with this unique Victorian Spa town.

The Trail is just one of several projects in the hands of the Woodhall Spa Parish Council sponsored Heritage Committee. Click here if you are interested in the committee or their projects.

How well do you know Woodhall Spa?

See if you can identify the location of these architectural features and items of street furniture!

Find out more about the Woodhall Spa Conservation Area