
This page provides information on places of worship in Woodhall Spa.



Unitarian Church

Unitarian Church

Kirkstead Unitarian Chapel

Mill Lane
Woodhall Spa

Tel: (01526) 352247

Website: www.ukunitarians.org.uk/emu


Checked 12 Jan 25


St Leonard's Church (C of E)

Abbey Lane
LN10 6UH

St Leonard's is a beautiful small 13th century chapel near the ruins of Kirkstead Abbey. Access is along a track from Abbey Lane - turn right at the Abbey Lodge.

St Leonard's, Kirkstead is  included in Simon Jenkins' 'Best 1000 Churches',

To visit please contact the Group Administrator:

Visit the Woodhall Spa group of parishes website: https://woodhallspa.group/

For more information on St Leonard's Church visit the Kirkstead heritage page.

Checked 12 Jan 25


Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church

Church of Our Lady and St Peter Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6TH

Parish Priest: Father John O'Donnell
Tel: (01526) 352245

Saturday (Vigil Mass) at St Mary's Church, Horncastle - 6pm
Sunday Mass in Woodhall Spa - 10am
Weekday Mass: 10am - Monday, Tuesday & Saturday. 7pm - Thursday. 10am - Friday

Website: www.catholicchurchwoodhallspa.org/

Email: catholic.church.woodhallspa@gmail.com

Checked 12 Jan 25


St Peter's church

St Peter's Church

St Peter's Parish Church (C of E)

The Broadway (corner of the Broadway & Iddesleigh Road)
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6ST

Rector:  Rev Sal Clifton

Email:   rector@woodhallspa.group 



Facilities: St Peter's has a disabled-friendly toilet at the rear of the church. There is a sound system installed with microphones used by the Ministry Team to ensure everyone can hear the services. As of January 2018, St Peter's also boasts a large projector and screen at the front of the church,  which hides away when not in use.

Woodhall Spa is part of a group of 6 Anglican parishes serving 6 rural villages in central Lincolnshire. Woodhall Spa and Kirkstead, Stixwould, Horsington, Langton with Old Woodhall, Bucknall with Tupholme. Each church has its own character and activities, but we work and share together as much as we can, in worship and social events throughout the year.

Rector:  Rev Sal Clifton

Email:  rector@woodhallspa.group 

Visit the St Peter's Church heritage page
Visit the Woodhall Spa group of parishes website: https://woodhallspa.group/
Church of England, Diocese of Lincoln website: www.lincoln.anglican.org

Facebook - The Woodhall Spa Group of Churches

see ACNY a church near you

St Peters Church Hall, booking clerk, email  stpetershallwoodhallspa@gmail.com

Checked 12 Jan 25


Methodist Chapel

Methodist Chapel

Methodist Church and Hall

Iddesleigh Road
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6QA

Minister Gordon Davis. tel. 01526 341582

Morning service - 10.30am

Evening service - 6.00pm

Weekly Saturday Coffee mornings from 10.00am to 12.00 noon.

Regular midweek fellowships and Singing Group.

Website: mysgw.co.uk/

Visit the Methodist Chapel heritage page

Updated 12 Jan 25